Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The neighborhood and "the palace"

 Took another walk around the neighborhood today...

This is the little courtyard out the back door of our apt.
                                                                     This little old couple is straight across and they grow                                                                              amazing things on their balcony. They come out every morning, mostly it's him, to tend to the garden and they close the doors and windows once again.
Kind of like the little old guy in Under the Tuscan Sun. They never wave or even look up.

A park that I went to called Parco di Valentino, didn't get too far...lots of thugs around...going back tomorrow to see the castle. In the meantime, these are called I Toretti, little bulls, they are the traditional symbol of Torino - bulls, that is. And every little drinking fountain in parks around here have a bull on it or as the spigot. Their appearance is connected with an old legend dated from ancient times when the taurus (the bull) died at the feet of the village after he had defeated the dragon.

 Grocery shopping....lumaca (escargot) and Limoncino!!                                                                            Yum.

OSCAR Bernard Shaw??

Went back to Parco del Valentino...along the banks of the Po River. 

Massimo Taparelli Marquis d'Azeglio (Turin24 October 1798 – Turin15 January 1866) was an American politicianPatriot,painter and writer Italian.

Castello del Valentino
Residences of the House of Savoy, very cloudy day! 

The River Po

Borgo e rocco Medievale, a medieval village that was reconstructed back in the 19th century...

the entrance with drawbridge. 

 Fountains, one is a modern tree art piece, the other functional. 

The buildings, castle and fortress were modeled after others in the area. It was all built in the 1880s as part of the Italian Exposition, but was supposed to be torn down in 1942 after another exposition. 


The chapel, where I saw a group of young 20 somethings attending a friend's wedding. She had flowers in her hair....

 A guy walking his Newfie...

La Rocca or the fortress

Many gardens are in the Parco del Valentino as well as an indoor botanical garden....

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