Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Took the train to Rome for the weekend... 
Got there at night, went to the hotel, woke up and saw this out our window...
like they were waiting for us to be thrown to them! 

Off we went on the commuter train, first stop Trevi Fountain. The fountain from films, history and legend. Took and hour to find it, and here it is under all that scaffolding. 

This guy has a plastic bag over his mouth/spout...

Still threw a coin in the non-water, we'll see if we will be back! 

I am going to post the high points of the trip. All the other photos - because I took a TON - will be on my page under carolecat. 

Next up, the Spanish Steps... amid TONS of people... and scaffolding.

Next to that, the house that a young John Keats died in...

Artist creating with chalk on a Roman sidewalk...

They consider Rome the city of obelisks, which were supposedly stolen from Egypt. 
The one on the right is in front of the Pantheon...

Next we found the Pantheon...
built in 126 AD, then in the 7th century used as a Catholic church called Santa Maria Rotunda.

Still performing Mass to this day...

The Pantheon dome has a 27 foot wide opening, NO glass. They say it's 
wonderful to see when it rains or especially when snow comes down through the opening. 

Next, we rest our feet then go back out to see the Coliseum lit up at night...

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