Thursday, October 23, 2014

Leaving Torino...for now

One more mercado with fresh food and unique items over the weekend in the area across the Po River called Cit Torino, we discovered.
Many, many olives!

 A very interesting natural incense. Smelled great!

We left our little apartment since it was booked for Salone de Gusto over the weekend. Our plans are to see Rome, then when Tim is in Slovakia, I will visit Vienna which is a couple hours away. Before we left, I took another walk around the wonderful city of Torino.

One thing that was always interesting to me was, while walking along the streets, there are very large doors, two at a time, that can fit a car when opened. They all open to courtyards and you never know what you'll see! Sometimes the view is amazing. 

Piazza Castello in Torino

Earlier in the weekend, we shopped with a colleague of Tim's in the mall called Lingotto, built from the old Fiat factory. The ramps shown here were where they brought the cars up floor by floor as they were built, to the top where there is a rooftop test track. In the mall, they serve as a way to get from floor to floor. Pretty cool! 

Upon leaving Torino, we travelled to Alba, where we had first stayed when we arrived. Beautiful town. Many WHITE truffles, chocolate and wine.On our way to Alba, neither one of us had eaten. We were hoping by default we might just see a BK or McDonald's just to get something quickly. No luck. So we stopped at a little restaurant out in the country, where we had eaten before.

The restaurant owner spoke mostly Spanish, a little Italian and NO English. The menu had a ten euro special with just two choices for the Primo and Secondo. Easy enough. Tim ordered the minestrone. I got the penne con jambon (ham).

For Secondo, they had a burger and something called "fegato". He was not able to explain what it was, just motioned to his waist and indicated that it was a type of veal. Maybe beef? Not sure.
So Tim's burger came. Just a burger, along with spinach. No bun, condiments, anything. Made me giggle a bit.

Then mine came. Interesting sort of meat pieces with onions in a gravy. Tasted unlike anything I had before. Tim tasted it and the look on his face was priceless. He said, "Ew, that's liver!" 
Never having had liver, I didn't know. Wasn't bad. But his face was hilarious! 
Fegato=liver. Now I know. 

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