Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lake Como and our visit to George Clooney's house

We were able to travel to Lake Como, Italy on our first trip over. These pictures are in the little town on the lake,  

Olio in Como! 

A view from our hotel room looking north up the lake. 

Driving back south towards town again on the west side of the lake. 

The view south from our room

So many restaurants and homes have these curtains because the sun really does get so hot. 

Views across the lake on the south end. 

The little marina off the downtown area of Como

Many cool views of stairways in Como

Looking south (on the west side) towards town from near the hotel. 

Gelato is so pretty....and tasty!

Still looking around downtown


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Trip to Barcelona July 2012

In July 2012, I was lucky enough to be able to travel with Tim on a business trip mainly to Lake Como, Italy but we preceded it with a short trip to Barcelona, Spain. 

A bullfighting ring we passed

This is where we saw the unforgettable La Sagrada Familia. Oh AND this is where Tim stumbled upon a nude beach. (Not by the church lol)

It's really hard to get a good picture unless you're in a plane so here's a model of the design. 

Some history of the controversial and amazingly unique landmark. 
Construction of the basilica in Barcelona was started in 1882 by an architect named Francisco del Paula del Villar. After he resigned a year later, architect Antoni Gaudi took over the project. He devoted his life to the project and after he died in 1926, only a quarter of it was completed. 

Thanks to donations, the construction continued until the Spanish Civil War.  In July 1936, revolutionaries set fire to the crypt and broke their way into the workshop, partially destroying Gaudí's original plans, drawings and plaster models, which led to 16 years of work to piece together the fragments of the master model. 

It's been worked on intermittently over time and it passed the halfway point in 2010. Plans are to get it finished by 2026, the centennial of Gaudi's death.'s some pics. 

A cool park near our hotel. 

The omnipresent cranes above the church...

There are three facades planned for the three different styles. This one is the Nativity facade. The first one to be completed. Look for this style as some photos  might not be in order.

There is a strong tree motif throughout. 
This is a cypress tree, part of the Nativity facade symbolizing the tree of life. 

The gargoyles and little details throughout it are amazing. 

Eighteen spires are planned and as of 2010 eight have been finished. 18 = the 12 Apostles, Virgin Mary, the Four Evangelists and Jesus (in order of height).

This is the Passion Facade (the third facade Glory hasn't been built yet). The style here is very stark, apparently meant to resemble bones. 

Inside you will see all kinds of cool natural references. Shell holy water here. 

Again, the interior and a huge motif of trees. 

More Nativity facade

Cool little tortoise

The Lord's Prayer Door near where the Glory Facade will be. 
Inscribed with the words "Give us our daily bread" in 50 different languages

Some pretty houses in Barcelona

He's either very big or....

Near the nude beach maybe??